Friday, 2 June 2017

Ungrateful 13 year old

What would everyone do in this situation?Daughter has 8th grade dance tonight. Dress requirements are very strict (not short, no shoulders, etc etc). We found this beautiful dress, got it altered because it was a little big, in total spent 100$ on the dress and alterations and a pair of shoes. My daughter gets ready doesnhair and makeup and puts on the dress. She has a fit and claims she looks disgusting (eventho tried on the dress before many times)She took off the dress and put on a short, ugly, un-ironed romper. I told her she looked so beautiful in the dress. This results in her screaming and throwing a tantrum and telling me no she's not wearing it. She's cursing at me and screaming. Telling me I'm selfish?? And she doesn't care and etc etc.I'm pissed off that we spent 80$ on this dress that she asked for and for her to only wear that other romper.What would u do in this situation? Is there anything to even be done?-mother of an angry teenTl;dr daughter refuses to wear dress that we spent hundred dollars on, wears ugly romper via /r/Parenting

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