Friday, 2 June 2017

I broke up a fight today among other kids children

I had my own kids in the backseat of the car after picking them up, and a few 11-13 year old boys were rough-housing in a field across from the school. They had formed a semi-ring and where picking on two boys specifically, tackling/throwing them down onto the ground. Getting on my car horn I yelled liked a mad person at them, drawing attention to their shenanigans. Other parents and the local police officer directing traffic took notice and the boys immediately dispersed.There is no way of knowing if they were just being boys and rough-housing with friends, or if was sincere bullying. I couldn't take the chance, and my pride wasn't important at that moment. So if any of your kids come home complaining of a parent yelling at them, just know I had their best interests at heart.Not sure what else I could've done, there are so many necessary boundaries that keep me from doing more. The police officer didn't engage because the boys dispersed and he didn't witness the two boys being body slammed onto the ground by the bigger boys.Any suggestions by other parents of how to break these things up appropriately? Soon they'll be bigger than me and won't be intimidated by my stance, size, and tremendous voice.Edit: Oops mistake on the title, Other people's kids via /r/Parenting

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