Tuesday, 27 June 2017

My Daughter the Cult Leader

My wife and I found this funny, so I thought I would share.Among the many books we read at bedtime, we have one Star Wars Colors book. Within, each page is devoted to a single character and a color they may be or be wearing. Among the pages are deep insights, such as "The Stormtroopers wear white". One page in particular, is "Max Rebo has blue skin". My daughter, age 4, decided that Max Rebo was a close personal friend of hers. She is aware he is an alien, and is looking forward to "seeing him again soon." For the past several days, at each bedtime, she asks me "Are the aliens coming tonight?" My response is always the same "I don't think so honey" and then she goes to sleep happily.As usual, this was brushed off as normal 4yo weirdness. Over the weekend, one of her friends (O) was over (about 6 months younger), and they were playing in the yard. At one point, my daughter runs in and tells us that she has to show O "her friend the alien". She promptly runs upstairs, grabs the book, and heads back outside.About 20 minutes later, she and O run in to tell us that they need to grow strawberries so that her friend will come for "the feast on the morrow". (At this point, I should note that for some reason my daughter will occasionally speak as though she is in Shakespeare, we have no idea where this came from.) We simply said something to effect of "OK have fun kids", and they happily ran back outside.About an hour after this, the playdate is ending and O's mom is ready to get O in the car and head home. O throws an epic level tantrum; crying, kicking and screaming "I want to stay for the feast! I want to meet her friend!" Her mom literally has to carry her kicking and screaming all the way to the car.My daughter spent the rest of the afternoon crafting (her favorite activity). She spent all day making necklaces out of pipe-cleaners and beads.Later, we ate dinner and put her to bed. That night I head into my room, where we have a large dresser my wife and I share. On nearly each handle of the dresser, one of these necklaces was hung, and at the foot of the dresser was the book open to the page with Max Rebo on it. I think this was a 4yo's version of a summoning ritual. I laughed so hard that night that I took a picture of her standing in front of it the next morning.I assume "Baby's First Cult" will be a unique page in her baby book.TLDR - My daughter founded a cult by convincing her friend that an alien was coming for "a feast". Said friend had to be hauled off the compound kicking and screaming by a loved one. Daughter spent the rest of the day trying to summon the alien. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2s02RvA

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