Thursday, 29 June 2017

What's the proper etiquette in this situation?

I need advice on what the proper etiquette is in this situation. Earlier in the week another child at daycare accidentally hurt my son's eye. He's fine, just some bruising. The teacher explained to me what happened and I didn't think much of it. The kids are under 3 and were just being kids. The mom of the little boy took her soon to pick out a tractor toy for my son and left it along with a sweet apology card in my son's cubby today. My hours being what they are I never see this child or his mom. It was a very sweet gesture and I don't know if should respond with a card from my son, a note...? If I knew I would see her I would just stop her and thank her. What would be a good gesture for this? I want her to know how sweet that was and that I'm absolutely not worried about what happened. via /r/Parenting

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