Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Blood in stool following course of antibiotics. Any experience? (yes, we are in communication with the doctor)

Our 3 year old was given a course of antibiotics for a UTI (Cefdinir). Around day 7 on the antibiotics she starting having some diarrhea, but not serious. We noticed some mucous and blood in her stool and reported it to the pediatrician.Based on symptoms (no fever, relatively decent appetite, diarrhea nowhere near severe, no belly pain, etc), pediatrician did not think it was C. Diff (my concern) and said that it should resolve within about 24-48 hours after stopping the antibiotics. If it didn't, we should call them back. Pediatrician assumed it was some minor colitis triggered by the antibiotics.Daughter has been off the antibiotics since last Friday, but is still showing small amounts of mucousy-blood in her stool (never more than 1-2 tsp, but it is clearly blood and always mixed with mucous). Poop is not diarrhea, but WAY softer than normal and on the verge of being diarrhea. But she's only pooping about 1-2 times a day, sometimes in succession.She seems to feel completely fine otherwise. Appetite is decent (her appetite is never great, but she's eating like normal for her), no fever, running around outside with her friends, etc.No history of an food allergies or any other issues. Completely healthy otherwise.So my question for more experienced parents: has anyone experienced minor bloody stools following a course of antibiotics (even a week or so after the antibiotics are stopped)? We are going back to the pediatrician today, but was just curious to hear other parents' experiences. via /r/Parenting

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