Thursday, 29 June 2017

Moving Dilemma - Schools - 6th grade elementary or middle?

Long time reader, first time poster. We will begin moving in the middle of next month, but we are still looking at houses in the area where we're moving. The city which we are moving to has two school districts (not individual schools, actual districts or sets of schools). There's a city school district and a county school district. Both districts seem to be decent. Some of the city is zoned for the county schools - I guess from when that part of the city was at one time rural.The #DilemmaI have a daughter going into 6th grade (with two other kids going into 3rd and kindergarten). If we move into the city schools district she will be going to middle school. If we move into the county school district, she will be in elementary school for one more year. I'm weighing the pros and cons, and I would like to hear your thoughts too.Pros for elementary:-She will be in the same school with her younger brother and sister. This may make the transition easier for everyone.-We will have one year where everyone is on similar schedules, and we're scheduling around one school instead of two.-I think she would be able to make a smaller group of friends to transition to the bigger middle school with next year.Pros for middle school:-Since we're already moving, is this the ideal time for her to make another change without having to change again next year?-The middle school will be new to all students - not only my daughter.-She would be in middle school next year if we were to stay where we are now.My husband and I are not making this decision solely off Reddit posts or solely off this situation. Just more insight would be lovely. I plan to comment on all or most responses, and I may play Devil's Advocate. Don't think I'm trying to get everyone to say one way or another.Thanks!Lisa via /r/Parenting

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