Thursday, 1 June 2017

Is this normal 4-5 year old behavior? I'm not so sure.

I'm usually just a lurker, but I feel like I have to do this.. My 4-going-on-5 year old has recently started telling me she doesn't love me, that she is "trying not to hurt" me, or "thinking about hurting (me), but isn't going to. She told me it makes her happy when i am sad. She has gone from almost excessively affectionate to not even wanting a kiss or cuddle at bedtime. When she says these things, it's apropos of nothing. i could be reading her a book, laying down with her, or washing the dishes. It's constant, it's deadpan, she maintains eye contact, and it is heartbreaking. About 2 months ago she was saying things like she bites her nails so she can scratch herself, displayed other self-harming behavior. I took her to a therapist twice, and because she just acted normal, the therapist more concerned about all the stress i am under as a single parent, and didn't have much to say about the child herself. (THAT behavior did stop, for the most part) I hope this is normal, but it doesn't feel that way. at all. I'm starting to get really depressed. I really need some help. iwould really love to hear from anyone who has experienced this or has any insight. via /r/Parenting

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