Saturday, 24 December 2016

Any subreddits for parents with PTSD?

Struggling recently. 26/male diagnosed with ptsd due to childhood trauma. Recently recognized significant triggers from my son. I love him so much and I don't feel the urge to harm myself or him, but I would like to know there are other parents going through the same thing, their advice, coping strategies, etc.My triggers (such as not being able to identify his source of discomfort, or being unable to soothe) create an ENORMOUS amount of anxiety for me. Nausea inducing. Splitting headaches, absolutely drained and exhausted after twenty minutes sometimes. I always have a profound sense of relief when his mother walks into the room and I know this puts a huge burden and strain on her and she has mentioned feeling like a single parent because it is so difficult for me to nurture him when he is upset. When he is calm and happy I LOVE interacting and playing with him but when he gets upset I feel almost paralyzed. I have to self coach myself to stay calm, breathe, and try to identify the source of the problem, but I get easily overwhelmed and in tears, like an elephant is standing on my chest. Even when mom leaves for short periods of time (like grocery shopping) I dread time spent alone with him because he may be fussy.TL;DR: Really looking for other parents who struggle with ptsd and who are possibly triggered by their children. via /r/Parenting

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