Thursday, 29 December 2016

looking for advice about 'best interest of the kids' after a divorce

quick rundown of my divorce: she left me in june, took the kids(2 kids-7 and 8) 150km away to her parents a week before school started at which point i got a lawyer and we are going through those motions now. it's a mess, but i am doing ok.So now we are in a custody battle of sorts. i want her to move back to the city and we co-parent from 2 different apartments. she wants me to move to her parents smaller town because her mom is a homemaker and is always around for my wife to have a baby sitter. my wife still lives with them now, but i imagine wants to move out at some point. i don't really know, as we basicaly have zero contact besides small emails about the kids.if the kids move to the town they have their grandparents around for easy child care. in the city it wil be more difficult, more early morning programs at school, baby sitters etc.both places have good schools, the kids will be well taken care of in both locations. i am hoping to avoid trial but i realize that could mean me moving to this town, leaving my good job, my friends, and a city i love. but i want to be open to that if it is best for the kids. my problem is i don't know what's best for them. both options are good, the city is harder work but we isolate ourselves less and learn to co-parent and co-operate. the town is much less desirable for me, but easier for child care, at least for her, probably for both of us.either way i am continuing with court for the moment because she abused my custody rights by moving the kids 2 hours away and changing their school against my consent. so i need to stand up for myself in that way, but moving forward i would like to avoid unnecessary court cost and that could mean me moving to her parents town instead of digging my heals in and spending money i don't really have to fight for something that might not be best for the kids.can anyone offer me advice? via /r/Parenting

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