Wednesday, 28 December 2016

10 year old sleep issues

My daughter for the last few weeks has been having sleep issues. Mainly not faling asleep and then getting very ipset about it. She has never had issues before. It started after she got a cold and then when it was almost gone going back to basketball practice and pushing it a little to hard and got some coughs. That night she had a hard time falling asleep, was up crying cause she thought she would not fall asleep. I tried to help her with some deep breathing exercises and even counting bqckwards. 3 hours or so later she finally fell asleep.Now this has happened about 3 or 4 mor times in the last few week. She is not really sick anymore and there has been no bball this week. Plus we are at grandmas and loves it, but then tonight it happens again. She says there is a song in her head and then she thinks its getting later and later and that she will not fall asleep at all. I try and help, but having had some issues with this myself in the past i understand how frustrating it is.My wife tends to get upset easy andcover react which does not help, so i just try and keep her out ofcit when it happens. Has anyone else dealt with this? Would starting some meditation exercises a bit before bed be a good thing? Could it just be growing pains? I worry that she will develop anixety issue if it keeps up. Any advice is greatly appreciated. via /r/Parenting

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