Friday, 30 December 2016

Cord Blood Banking

I have a question regarding cord blood banking. We have privately banked cord blood for both of our children and we are debating whether we should also bank cord blood for the baby we are currently expecting (#3). We have not really understood what we found online regarding the added benefits, if any, of banking cord blood when we've already done so for siblings. Does banking cord blood for three children offer significant additional insurance/protection than for two? If so, is there a way to quantify how much of an additional benefit it provides?We live in Canada and so the public banks are still pretty limited and currently have funding covering access to US public banks if needed (but who knows if this will always be an option).We understand that research in this area is always moving forward and so it has a lot of unknowns and we also understand that it is unlikely that someone would benefit from their own stem cells but more likely that they would benefit from the stem cells of a sibling. via /r/Parenting

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