Tuesday, 27 December 2016

14 year old with anxiety and panic disorder - how hard to push and how to discipline?

I have a 14 year old daughter who has panic attacks and anxiety disorder. She is currently in therapy, loves her therapist, and is even participating in a research study related to her disorder, which lets her get monitoring and testing beyond what she would normally receive, so we aren't ignoring this by any stretch.She gets very easily stressed out and upset at any level of emotional stress. She has had panic attacks, usually at school and related to school stress, but also occasionally when pushed on something at home, she starts crying and becomes extremely upset. It is like she is just extremely fragile all the time. She can't take anyone being angry at her or upset with her, so it constantly feels like we are walking on eggshells around the house. She is generally not poorly behaved in the sense that she does her homework and gets good grades.My concern is that she is developing coping mechanisms for her anxiety that are extremely anti-social. I have noticed that if she is challenged, she tends to write them off, or put a wall down between her and them. While she can't take any criticism herself, she constantly criticizes others behind their back. If you point it out to her, copious tears.My concern is a) how do I let her know when a certain type of behavior is not okay without triggering her panic attacks, and b) how much of this is just teenager moodiness, and how much is the anxiety disorder. I don't want her to grow up alienating everyone, but I also don't want her to be miserable all the time. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2iBmuVH

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