My daughter is just over 20 months old and has never had an issue with going to bed when it's time. She takes a nap at noon, goes to bed at 8:00-8:30, and sleeps from 7:00-8:30 no issue.Recently, however, every attempt to put her down is met with crying and fighting for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour. (The latter being much more common) She has also been waking up at odd hours in the night crying for attention and refusing to go back to sleep.My wife and I are attempting to be not-so lenient when it comes to bed times. On several occasions we would go into her room, remind her it is time for "nigh nigh", and then leave. She'd cry, but a majority of the time she decides to sleep. Meanwhile, everybody else in the household seems to think we're the Hitler of parenting for letting her cry and not letting her stay up a while longer. "She's just not tired" is one we hear often. On the occasions where we concede and let her stay up a little longer, putting her down is still met with crying, fighting, and screaming.Admittedly, we've had it incredibly lucky so far with sleep. This is just a small bump in the road, I'm sure, but I just want to hear other opinions. Is a set bed time really that bad around this age? via /r/Parenting
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