Thursday, 29 December 2016

Downs Syndrome - unsure what to say or how to help. Please be kind.

I come to you today because my niece just gave birth to a baby with Downs Syndrome. There were no indicators on ultrasounds and they were completely surprised by this. There is no history of this on either side of the family and so it really is a complete shock to everyone.The baby is my great-niece, so my brother is her grandfather. He is taking it the hardest, I think. We just lost our father last month, so this new baby was something happy and exciting to look forward to during the holidays without our dad.Please do not get me wrong, this baby is wanted and loved very much, and will be given every opportunity available. We (meaning my husband and I, other family members) just don't know what to say that doesn't sound stupid ("I'm sorry"? We're not sorry they had a baby! "We will love her regardless"? Well of course! Why wouldn't we??).We just want to be able to be there for them, but don't know how. We don't want to make it some huge deal, but also don't want to ignore what really is grief in coming to terms with the fact that all their hopes and dreams for their baby are now different.Any advice is welcomed. via /r/Parenting

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