My sister (30s) is a single mother to a 7 yr old daughter and 5 yr old son. The 7 year old is severely obese. She is over 100 lbs, has been diagnosed with type II, and has had a few cavities already.My sister doesn't cook. They go out to eat almost every night. Wendy's, takeout Chinese, you name it. The reason I say ALMOST every night, is because my mom tries so hard to help and will cook dinner and invite them over maybe 3 or 4 nights out of the week (they are welcome to eat with them every night, but my sister takes the offer 3 or 4 times). But when they're not at my mom's house eating, they are eating fast food. This is bad enough, but to make it even worse, my niece eats like an adult. My sister doesn't order her kids meals, she orders her adult meals because that is how much she eats. And she allows her to drink soda. More than one a day. She will drink it like water. And not to mention candy, snack cakes, and ice cream. When they are at my parents house, my niece drinks water, will eat a healthy meal with no seconds (or especially no thirds like her mother would allow), and doesn't complain at all. She loves the healthy food my mom makes for her.My mom drags my sister to nutrition classes. My mom takes her grocery shopping. My mom shows her how to make healthy meals. She's tried so hard to help. But my sister just doesn't care. She doesn't take in anything she learns. It's like she has the intention of making the changes, but doesn't follow through. My mom has also sat her down to tell her that what she's doing is not okay. That how can her 7 yr old already have diabetes and cavities. And why can't she see how damaging this is. Any time my parents try talking to her, my sister gets flustered and will start screaming and will leave. My niece has been overweight since she was a toddler, and it has ballooned so out of control. She was officially diagnosed with type II diabetes and you would think this would be the last straw for my sister to change her habits. After the diagnosis, my niece was put on drugs (not familiar with diabetes, so I'm not sure what this consists of), and sees a nutritionist. But it's not my niece's fault, it is 100% my sister's fault. My niece obviously cannot grocery shop and can't cook her own meals. It makes me so sad that at such a young age she's already on diabetes drugs. I can't describe how bad it hurts me to watch this happen.We have also talked directly to my niece. She is so sad. She knows that she is big. She understands that she is not healthy. She wants to eat healthy at home. But it's not up to her. My sister allows her to eat so much bad food. It's all just so sad and I don't know how to help.So, what else can my family do? We try so hard to help but my sister doesn't follow through. She obviously doesn't listen to the doctors or the nutritionist either. I think she just wants to pretend like everything is okay, because there is a lot of hard work ahead of her to fix everything she's done. To reverse the bad habits. I think it would help if a third party were to step in, but I'm not sure who. Should I talk to my niece's teacher? School counselor? I don't know what other resources could help. via /r/Parenting
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