Tuesday, 27 September 2016

I am at my wits end with getting a daily nap or quiet time out of my 2 year old

My daughter (turned 2 in July) is a very attached, clingy child. She constantly cries and whines if we can't or won't hold her. She has meltdowns in stores because I won't hold her in my arms and push the shopping cart. And she doesn't let me wear her in a carrier either. It is exhausting and no matter how often we gently explain that she can't be held right now it doesn't sink in.I could handle all of that if I could get her to either nap or just play quietly in her room for at least an hour each day. I don't think she's ready to drop naps but she has always fought naps and sleep in general. But this is more for my own sanity. I'm the stay at home parent and I am sick and tired of listening to her scream, sob, cry and pound at her door until I give up (usually after 20-30 minutes) and let her come out. I'm always devastated and depressed by these times. It's almost become this instant trigger for me where as soon as I know she isn't going to settle so I can have time away from her I get irrationally upset and lose all energy and motivation.I'm just at a loss on what to do. We have tried so much and nothing is working. Almost very single day nap time ends early in tears because my kid acts traumatized (complete with big fat tears rolling down her face) by being unable to remain in the same room as me.I need new ideas. I can't just hang out with her until she sleeps. For one, I babysit my cousin's infant twice a week and need to focus on him. Two, my presence always excites her and keeps her awake. The only exception is at bedtime when she's so tired from no nap that she passes out within minutes of lights out. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2di9XUn

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