Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Desperate for sleep training help on a 13mo that still wakes quite frequently during the night and then has 1 long (60-90 min) wake up at 4am. (X post)

Title pretty much sums it up. We were cosleeping at 12 mos so we're definitely moving ahead and we're pretty confident he's not waking up as much as he used to with cosleeping. In the past 5 weeks, we've moved him into the toddler bed by himself and I've stopped nursing him at night. However, he still wakes up 5-6 times a night and needs us to lay next to him holding him down. He doesn't seem to have too much in the way of self soothing himself back to sleep. Also, the only way we've gotten him to sleep in his own space is getting him into a toddler bed so now if we don't come to him, he'll get out of bed and bang on his door till we do. One of his biggest issues is getting up at 4am and staying up for an hour to an hour and a half. He'll just lay in his bed wide awake until he finally falls asleep. My husband and I are absolutely desperate for sleep. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can reduce the frequent wakeups and stop the long 4am wakeup? We're open to trying something like cry it out but I'm afraid he'll just bang on his door all night long. He's never really been able to wind down on his own either after he works himself into a good cry. via /r/Parenting

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