Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Boyfriend Assumes my 5-year-old Son is Lying About Being Sick

Let me preface this by saying that my son loves daycare and he loves school even more (just started kindergarten), so when he says he is too sick to go to daycare in the morning, I tend to believe him.He has had a cold lately, but then again when doesn't he have a cold? His nose has been runny and he's had a cough that is occasionally productive sounding but nothing serious. He's been more tired than usual. This morning he said he was feeling nauseous, and he seemed lethargic and wanted to lay on the couch. I said okay and I notified work and his daycare/school that we wouldn't be coming in.When my boyfriend (not my son's natural father, who died shortly after my son was born, but who acts as a father to him nonetheless) woke up and realized that I had called us in sick (This was an hour after we usually leave in the morning and at this point my son was watching TV but seemed to have perked up a bit) he seemed to get a lot of attitude about it real fast. When I asked him, he said that my son was obviously faking and that I shouldn't just assume he's being honest because he's probably lying.This was hurtful. He basically stormed out and went to work. It doesn't feel right to just assume my child is lying all the time. It goes against my gut to put my son at an automatic disadvantage any time he says anything. Am I supposed to never trust him? It's so out of character for him to not want to go to daycare; he's a very social kid and loves his friends. What's worse is it feels like it is damaging for my boyfriend to just automatically distrust everything my son says, forcing him to always have to prove himself.I'm at a loss here. Am I at fault or being too trusting? Should I be forcing my son to go to daycare/school when he says he's under the weather? If not, how can I talk to my boyfriend about his apparent attitude surrounding it to help him be a little more understanding and not be so hard on the boy? via /r/Parenting

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