Tuesday, 27 September 2016

4 year old son's regression in several things.

Our son was so good with going poop since last year at this time. Potty training wasn't too bad and eventually got him trained to tell us when he had to go and then sit and go. Ever since the middle of August he started resisiting going poop and holds it. We can see him do a "dance" and act differently when he needs to go and holds it. We try to get him to go or at least sit on the toilet and it turns "ugly". He is so stubborn and resistant that he creis, hits out and "freaks out" and won't even sit.This has led to stressful times for my wife and I. We tried being tough, calm, explaining why we need to poop and that we have to poop. Yet he just says no. THis leads to now many times him pooping his pants which he doesn't like and upsets him. We try to explain that he gets upset when this happens so why not sit and go on the toilet yet nope eh will not even try.Tried implementing the sticker chart again, which we used to train him, and that worked once to at least get him to sit on the toilet but he cried the whole time. Not sure what to do. It's not hard when he goes but have been using Miralax to help. It's a softer stool but still not sure reason behind this.He also now resists brushing his teeth. He used to at least just get it done despite not liking the taste of the toothpaste much but this also has turned into the overly resistant battle. If it was just whining like "do I have to?" that would be okay but it has turned into plain old NO and fighting it like a bear.Seems like a lot of behavior like this has popped up. Won't play by himself so one of us needs to be with him or he whines, get's upset and "demands" attention. Summer was so much better. Wife is a teacher so was home with him all day but started teaching again. He also started a new daycare. I suppose these changes could be part of it but I just don't know what to do to get over these tantrums and resistances. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2cIMNt9

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