Friday, 30 September 2016

I (M50) need to know how to talk to my daughter (F17). I'm pretty desperate.

Depression. If you're a parent and you've had to help one of your kids deal with it then you know. If your kid gets cancer you take them to a doctor and they do what they can to fix it. If your kid is bullied at school you sit down with the school and tell them to get their shit together. Any other danger that you have to deal with you can pretty much find a way to go at it. But with depression the enemy is inside your kid.I've been dealing with this for a few years now and it's rough. Her arms are covered in scars from cutting. She's miserable a LOT of the time. She has fits where she screams and hits herself. Either she's telling me about how she wishes she could kill herself or she's not and I worry that she's thinking about it.It's not like that every day. We don't have a strained relationship and I know that I have good communication lines with her. She's brilliant and funny and talented and pretty and still can't even plan for next month because "what's the point?"We've been through a bunch of therapy options and aren't even to where we have an official diagnosis. She's with a psychologist now once a week but doesn't feel like she's getting anywhere.My problem is, I'm no dummy either, and I'm pretty good at explaining my point of view to her and I think I have a lot of helpful things to tell her. We talk a lot and honestly with each other. Talking with her I really understand where our culture got the idea of demonic possession. It's like this wonderful person who I love to pieces has another being inside her that hates us both.Listen, I don't need a diagnosis. Hopefully someday we'll get one. I don't need a recommendation for how to get her help. We're already doing everything in that direction that you can imagine. What I want is someone to tell me what to say. She values my honesty above all else and is allergic to falseness. If I just hug her and tell her "everything will be okay," she'll know I'm lying. I have no idea if it will be okay. I'm terrified. I think I do a good job of supporting her despite being afraid, but we both know that this could end badly at any time.What the fuck do I say? via /r/Parenting

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