Saturday, 1 February 2020

Managing unrealistic expectations

Our oldest is 18 at the end of March and finished school last year. She has high functioning autism and anxiety and needs a lot of prompting to do basic self care (showering, changing clothes)We’ve been asking her about what her plans are now she’s left school. She has a part time job at a fast food place but seems to just want to hide in her room when she’s at home.She told us tonight that she wants to do a course that is only offered in Sydney (we live about 8 hours north) and it’s something to do with animation.There are a number of problems with this. Sydney is horrendously expensive to live in and we simply cannot afford to house her there. The fees are $50k and that’s a massive debt to rack for a course where employment opportunities are scarce. Her anxiety may also impact her studies significantly. Finally, she just doesn’t have the maturity to cope on her own at this time - she needs too much reminding to do even basic activities like washing her work uniformWe would like to see her get a lower level qualification in something like Hospitality where she gets skills that get her a job. She can do a course like this in our home town while continuing to work and live at home.But she tears up and starts crying whenever we talk about it. It’s this course or nothing and we’re afraid she’s just going to stagnate in her room We don’t want to crush her dreams but she needs to be realistic about her options. Any suggestions or advice from parents in similar situations? via /r/Parenting

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