Wednesday, 26 February 2020

What do you say to your kids when they get left out?

My daughter is only 3 but she’s very vocal and upfront about things. Every time we go to a park or something, instead of just joining in, she’ll ask the kids if they want to play with her, do they want to be her friend, etc. A lot of the time they ignore her (because they don’t understand; they’re older and don’t want to play with her; they’re playing with other kids). Usually she’s okay with this and does something else.But today it really hurt her feelings! There were two boys playing (maybe 4-5 years old), and she asked them to play and they told her no. Then she asked a girl and she also said no. She started crying and told me she has no friends and wants to go home, which is very unlike her. I told her that sometimes kids want to play by themselves and that’s okay, but she was really hurt about it and I didn’t know what else to say. We stayed for a bit longer and she found an older girl who shrugged her shoulders when asked to play and my daughter took that as a yes and started following her around, lol. But then when we got in the car, she again said that she has no friends.What’s the best thing to tell her in these situations? via /r/Parenting

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