Saturday, 29 February 2020

Does anyone have any tips or book recommendations for bilingual language teaching?

Hello, I'm a new soon to be mother in Sweden that uses English as a second language. My husband is English and we're expecting our first child together. Since I want my child to be able to communicate with my husbands part of the family in an early age, I really want to teach my child to be bilingual. I heard that you can have two times of the day where Swedish could be in the morning and day, while English could be during the night. Is there any parent out here who has some great advice on how to correctly teach your child how to speak two languages? I'm fortunate that children over here learns English in school when they get older, but I still want our child to speak English early age. Please, if you have any recommendations on maybe books, pdfs or blogs we could both really appreciate it! via /r/Parenting

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