Friday, 28 February 2020

How do I stop yelling at my daughter?

I know the title sounds a little harsh, but hear me out. My daughter is 5 years old and will soon be 6. Most of her life she’s been a very well behaved child. She’s so sweet and kind. However, in the last year she’s started pre-K and has developed more into her personality. She’s become very sassy, which isn’t always a bad thing. She gets it honest, if I’m being truthful. I’m pretty sassy myself. However, she’s started bossing me around and demanding me to do things. She’s persistent if I say “no” and will continue to argue with me until I raise my voice/yell at her. She will argue for what seems like 20 minutes with me as long as I’m speaking at a normal volume. It’s not until I yell at her that she actually listens to me or apologizes for her behavior. She doesn’t respond to positive redirection, spanking, or having privileges taken. It seems the only way to make her listen is to yell and it’s just so violent to me. I hate it but it works. I want to be peaceful. I don’t want her to be afraid of me, but it’s the only way she responds to discipline. What else can I do?Edit: I know that yelling and raising my voice at a child is frowned upon so if you’re thinking about shaming me, just save it. I’m here for help, not judgment. via /r/Parenting

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