Thursday, 27 February 2020

Single mom of 10 year old boy

I'm having a really rough time. Some background info, I'm 30 I had him very young. He's never known his dad and I don't get child support nor do I know where his dad is. I'm going to school full time.I feel like I'm messing everything up. He doesn't do well in school and I don't know how to help. I don't have a stong support group. My parent's weren't great parents so I'm trying to bed better than them with no foundation to stand on. We have a routine, I feel like thats atleast one good thing. Bed time, read before bed, right now were reading where the red fern grows. He has a weekly chore chart that is posted. His teachers and I communicate daily by something called a reminder sheet and he gets certain rewards or punishments baised on the tally of reminders. I feel like im trying but nothing is good enough. He seems happy enough but he's never been a very good communicator and I feel like there's something bellow the surface. I tried taking him to therapy but that guy was awful. Without insurance the only place I can take him is an hour drive away durring the heavest traffic time. I can't work because of school so that really puts a damper on out of the house activities. The park is nice and we like going for walks in the woods but right now even driving somewhere puts a damper on my budget. It's getting really hard. I have one year left for school and things will get so much better. I knew I would have to male sacrifices for school and I was more than ok with that, but as he's getting older I see that he's also having to make sacrifices, that wasn't something I planned for. I also feel like hes really missing the influence of a male role model but what can I do. My dad isn't the best, I have 2 friends, 1 guy, and hes not a great role model. My brother lives in another state, and I'm not getting into a relationship just to let my son have a male influence. Thats something that grows with trust not just because mom has a boyfriend. I also don't have time for a relationship anyways. I'm so lost, I feel so alone, I don't know how to help my boy. I just need one more year and things can start to change but it feels so far away. via /r/Parenting

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