Friday, 28 February 2020

Fiancé [25F] is going to leave me [29M].

I’m going to try to make this as concise as possible.My fiancé and I have 2 daughters together, 3 and 2. We’ve been together for about 5.5 years. My fiancé stays home with them while I work full time.She’s been kind of depressed and saying things like she wants her own life back. She’s just not happy, period. She’s always angry or sad. She hates staying home with them 24/7, so we agreed that she should go back to work.Well, I guess she took that as “I should just leave” too.She’s been saying comments like as soon as she gets a full time job and her own car, that she’s moving out. I know she doesn’t care about me. She probably wants to relive her youth and everything that she missed out on. (She didn’t say that, but I’m guessing.)We’ve already agreed on 50/50 custody. I make close to 3 times what she would make, so she knows she can get decent child support to be able to live on her own without me.I also know that she’ll be living her life while I have the kids 50%, and that kills me. It makes me sick and I can’t sleep.Is there any saving this? I don’t want a split family. I still want to marry her, even after this, but she doesn’t want that. She just wants to explore life on her own. I guess I’m weighing her down. via /r/Parenting

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