Friday, 1 November 2019

Parenting with an (suspected) Asperger souse.

Edit- obviously I meant spouse!My spouse and I have been together for 7 years. Married for 4. This is unconfirmed but I strongly suspect my wife to be on the spectrum. She is high functioning but definitely has quirks that lend themselves to being on a spectrum.I have managed these for years. However now that we have a 3 year old, it is becoming harder to manage them. I try my best to mitigate things so that things are not hard for her but some days I just don’t have the energy. She absolutely needs a schedule and a structure and can be completely thrown off mood wise if things spontaneously happen. Obviously having a 3 year means that spontaneous things happen ALL THE TIME.I don’t even know what my goal is with this post- I think I just need help. Obviously there are resources for parents with kids on the spectrum but are there resources for adults married to someone with Aspergers?.She has never been assessed for it but I would be strongly convinced any assessment would be positive. Lack of coping with change, definitely lack of coping with spontaneity, not a great deal of empathy (a recent example - her mum texted her to say she missed her and loved her and call soon- her common response is why does she do that? I know she loves me why feel the need to text that..?!).Like I said. I do my best to mitigate any circumstances that will cause chaos for her but I can’t always do that. I need to learn some tools to help her through things.She is an amazing mother in all aspects but I’m so tired someone’s of constantly having to be 8 steps ahead to ensure calm is maintained. I think if she had an official diagnosis and I had some tools it might be easier to cope with.I’m in Europe if it makes any difference to any advice offered. via /r/Parenting

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