Friday, 29 November 2019

Mental/neurological agitation from the sounds of young children. Am I the only one?

First off, I plan on seeing a mental health professional about this. But I wanted to reach out to a community first to see if others have suffered from this and to try to find out what "this" even is.I have two young children--a 5 year old and a 2.5 year old. I can wake up fresh, rested, and in a great mood. But within an hour of hearing them yelling, whining, crying, or sometimes even happily playing (loudly), I want to tear someone's head off. It's as though the sounds are directly agitating some part of my brain or my nervous system.I've found it helps if I sit quietly and cover/close my ears for a few minutes. Kinda resets something. Or of course if I just actually leave the house and then come back.I want to be there for my kids and my wife without being so agitated all the time. I don't enjoy it. And my kids are actually better behaved than most so it's not like they're doing anything crazy. They're just being normal, if not more mild-mannered than normal, kids.Would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, recommendations, etc. And if you suffer from this sort of thing, let me know! I'd like to know if it's just me or not.Thanks! via /r/Parenting

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