I've witnessed some people who are extremely ignorant and cruel to parents.It's needlessly judgmental and just unnecessary.There are a lot of posts on parenting sub-reddits that gossip and nit-pick about parenting styles (keyword: styles, not abuse).It's usually to make themselves feel or look superior, and in return make the mothers who are trying their hardest feel worse about themselves when they are already struggling with parenthood.I know a mother-in-law in real life who would try to make snide remarks and comments in an attempt to make her daughter-in-law look like an unfit mother/unstable person. She was already going through a tough time in her life with being a first time parent (sleep deprivation, mixed feelings about how she would do as a mother, on top of birth complications).The daughter-in-law had not done anything extreme that would put her daughter's development at risk, while the on-going commentary and gossip made her mental state WORSE at a time when she was already struggling. The MIL claims that the casual remarks were about "young mothers in general," but it was clear who she was talking about through her previous actions and facial expressions.The last comment was about her going away for a day to get some rest because she had really needed it as a single mother. The MIL blew it up to be due to the fact that she just isn't "ready to be a mom."I remember her breaking down in the middle of the night, crying that she wasn't good enough to be a mom, and I can swear to you that it was the same words her MIL said to her earlier. She typically had to walk around eggshells, and hid her emotions since she felt like she couldn't talk to anyone without being shamed.My friend eventually developed PPD. She didn't feel safe about being able to share her feelings/thoughts, isolated herself from her friends, and tried to take most of it on to the detriment of her well-being. Her then-boyfriend wasn't helpful and just tells her to "not be so sensitive to other people."The mother-in-law is the same person who would preach about compassion and kindness to others and pretended to be supportive when it suited her.My point is:Parenthood is emotionally draining, and parents are often not in their best state of mind when they have small children.Even with grandparents helping, daycare, and babysitters to help; it is NOT easy. You never stop being a parent.With babies and toddlers, it's even more intense.Let's discourage the petty talk and mean girl behaviour, and try to encourage a struggling parent. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/34sz8in
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