Wednesday, 27 November 2019

An update to a post I made awhile ago about my relationship changing after the baby comes.

So, I had asked the community about how relationships change with a partner after having a child together. My update is a happy one.We are one month in, and literally NOTHING has changed. We are not sleep deprived and aggravated, and we still do the same things we did before aside from feeding/changing the baby every 3-4 hours. She only wakes us up twice each night, and we both actually get decent sleep still. We haven't had an arguement, or gotten aggravated with one another. We still talk just as much while my husband is at work. I have no idea why I was worried about negative changes happening to our relationship. It's exactly the same as before but we're parents. I have a massive sex drive still, and can't wait for my 6 week checkup. It's on my birthday and I'm really hoping to get laid. Anyways, that's my happy update.To those of you reading wondering how life may change after having a baby, in my experience everything stays the same. via /r/Parenting

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