Thursday, 28 November 2019

3 year old refuses to go to bed. Becomes demonic.

Hi all.So I am the guardian of a lovely 3 year old. Honestly, he's lovely during the day. The odd temper tantrum as to be expected but on the whole he's great.Bed time is a whole different ball game.He has a routine, quiet time before bed, plenty of warning that bed time is coming soon. Usually accepts it and goes up to bed without a fuss, sometimes whinges but again, as to be expected. It's when he's actually been put to bed the trouble starts.He will fly out of bed after minutes of being there and then stand at his baby gate on his door, screaming the place down. Not because he's scared, but because he simply does not want to be in bed.My partner and I have tried almost everything. If you suggest it, we've probably tried it. No dice. Nothing. Attitude does not change.When we ask why he doesn't want to go to bed the answer is simple - "I don't want to go to bed". He doesn't listen to either of us, he firmly believes he makes the rules, and will scream and shout, bite and kick, scratch and punch us until we give in (we never do) or he falls asleep at his bedroom door (every single night).Has anyone else encountered such a problematic toddler at bedtime? If so, how did you get past it? I've read about people locking the bedroom door until they learn to stay in their bed, and that it only takes a few nights of this for them to learn, but that seems drastic and cruel.At this point we are at our wit's end. He has no respect for authority, doesn't listen, and any consequence we give him for his actions just washes over him. He doesn't care and would rather do what he wants. via /r/Parenting

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