Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Feeling emotional over son growing up.

I (30F) have two beautiful children. 5 yo boy and 2 yo girl. Usually my husband puts our son to bed and I put the little one to bed. Its a routine that we've gotten into since we had the 2nd child and she takes a lot of attention from me. Tonight though, my husband fell asleep on the couch so I put my daughter to bed first and then my son. I was laying there with him reading him a book and listening to his bedtime music and I just got so emotional out of nowhere. We finished the book and he asked me to stay and cuddle with him until he fell asleep. I was looking at his sweet little face and I couldn't help but cry for some reason. My little baby boy is getting so big and I feel like I'm not spending enough quality one on one time with him. (kinda seems silly to think cause I'm a stay at home mom....lol) My husband takes him to school in the morning and puts him to bed almost every night because I am usually up several times at night with the little one, and he helps me by taking our son to school in the morning so I don't have to wake up too early and can catch up on some of the sleep I lost. Then I pick him up from school every afternoon. This has been a really great routine for the most part, but tonight I felt like I had been missing out on a lot by not reading my son bedtime stories anymore. I used to read to him all the time before, and was the one that always put him to bed. I didn't realize how much I was missing out on by not reading to him anymore. It has been great for my husband though, they have gotten into a good routine and have a close bond. But I think I'm going to have to start putting him to bed a couple nights a week at least. Sometimes I feel guilty and I think maybe my daughter gets more attention than my son does, and it's hard to balance my attention. She's just so much more needy. Idk exactly why I am posting this. I don't think I'm searching for advice or anything. Maybe just wondering what other people's experiences are with balancing time between multiple children. It's not like I don't spend ANY time with him, I don't want to make it seem like that.... Idk. My emotions are just being weird tonight. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/33rd7Ps

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