I have an issue with my child that I'm starting to notice as she's getting older. My daughter is the only child in the family. We can't have more kids. I have one brother, who is gay and uninterested in having children. My parents have two surviving siblings between them. Only one has a child, but he's 17. My wife's family is even more top heavy. Her father is NC with his entire family. Her mother has three siblings, but only one has a kid, who is also gay. My wife's one brother is childfree, but loves his sister (my wife). Her parents are also divorced. Three great grandparents are alive. My wife also is in a grandchild/niece role with a few of her parents' childless family friends.If that's convoluted, basically, my child has three great grandparents, four grandparents (two of whom are separate households), two uncles, 5 great aunts and uncles, and a few assorted people to dote on only her. The only possiblity for more children in the next generation is about a decade away as the only cousin is 17. All of the adults are very successful.She's always gotten plenty of attention and gifts. My wife somehow ended up with 4 baby showers while pregnant. Her parents competed with each other enough that she ended up just sending them a list of what to buy to completely furnish the nursery. We had a night nurse. Our combined relatives were so pleased that they paid the hospital bill and gave us an extra 10k. I honestly don't think we ended up with any costs her first year.We're constantly showered with money and gifts for her. Her relatives and especially mine prefer higher quality stuff. All of her jewelry is actual fine jewelry, as is my wife's. When we started a college fund for her, the combined family immediately showed out with 70k as soon as they heard. I'm starting to hear about Christmas and I know all of this is only going to get worse as she gets old enough to ask for things on her own.I'm worried that she's going to be extremely spoiled because she's what everyone is pinning their future on. I don't really know how to prevent it because I can't really prevent the family from showing affection. Even if I could, she'll be old enough to subvert me soon enough. My wife was raised much the same way, that money is love, and she knows what to ask for and what a girl would want as she grows up.If anyone else has a severe generational bottleneck, I'd love to hear how to prevent the spoiling that just happens. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/33kja8z
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