Monday, 26 August 2019

Update: 4 year old son refuses to poop in toilet

Summary of original post: My 4 year old son, who was pee trained since he was 3.5, was refusing to poop in the toilet due to fear of his poop, and he wouldn't be able to enter school if he wasn't fully trained by 4.What we did to help him overcome his fear was to have him observe his dad poo and just normalize poop. We all talked about when we pooped and how great we felt after our poop, and we read him books like 'Everyone poops' and 'Come out, Mr. Poo'. Eventually, one day, he wanted to try, and had a totally unprompted poop in the toilet. He then came running out to excitedly tell us he had a poop in the big boy toilet! We were all so proud of him, and we celebrated the event. He's pretty good with pooping now, can wipe independently, and has had only two accidents since then. This is so great! School hasn't started yet, but he has had a few poops in public washrooms, so I'll take that as a good sign! I'd like to thank both the people of r/Parenting and r/AskParents for all the advice we got! It looks like potty training is complete! via /r/Parenting

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