Tuesday, 2 July 2019

It's like trying to parent an Octopus on Meth'

So my little girl is 8 months old. She's always been quite an intense baby who needs a large amount of attention and interaction to keep happy. She's been trying to crawl for a while and lo and behold she cracked it a few weeks back - at the exact same time she learned to pull herself up on furniture and 'travel' so it was two huge developmental leaps at once. This was amazing and delightful but now she's become such a handful (the above quote was from my wife, yesterday) I just wanted to sound off other's experiences to see if they saw the same and ask for any helpful advice!1) The child seems to have zero concept of danger. We cannot put her on or in anything without her attempting to immediately swan-dive off the edge. this includes - sofa, beds, her bouncer, an inflatable doughnut and even her jumperoo (which she thankfully can't get out of, she knows this and it makes her exceptionally cranky). We have a bit of a space issue so a playpen is not really an option. We did want to try popping her on a potty during nappy changes to start getting her used to it, we had to stop this as she immediately tried to dive off it. She was playing with some balls in a paddling pool on the weekend (under close supervison of course), she decided to just LAUNCH herself in head first. This is problem number one.2) When placed on the floor, she immediately makes a beeline for the least suitable item in the room and attempts to eat it. This includes: cat's dinner bowls, any sort of cable / wire, plug sockets and when in the garden, assorted foliage. I get she's exploring her world, but it seems no amount of harmless items / toys can distract her from going for the worst possible thing every time. Problem Number 2.3) On the rare occasions that she isn't trying to poison or electrocute herself she will try and use any nearby object to stand - even walls. This normally results in her toppling backwards at the peak of the maneuver and taking a tumble. We're usually there to catch her but she's sneaky and deceptively fast. Problem number 3.We're manically child proofing as much as possible, but we have a big open plan kitchen and dining room which due to necessity has some hazards. It's driving us crazy as at the moment I feel like we have to be constantly behind her, catching and redirecting her. We can't leave her anywhere for longer than 5 seconds. I work during the day so my wife's stuck with the impossible task of trying to do this while preparing meals for her etc. as she's taken to solids like a duck to water and demands 3 meals a day...Help. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2XkuVsu

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