Tuesday, 2 July 2019

I never wanted to be a mom...

I took a (couple of) pregnancy tests a couple days ago. Been trying to work up the courage to post. They're unexpectedly positive, because I was on birth control and I just take these tests because I worry. I'm in between a rock and a hard place here. I hope I don't offend anyone here. But I didn't want to be a mom. I never know what to do with kids and I didn't plan to have any of my own.My husband doesn't know yet. He told me in the past he's 99% sure he doesn't want kids. I am scared to tell him because I'm not sure what I want now and I am afraid of what he will want when he finds out. I feel this magical feeling about having our child even though it's just cells at this point. It feels like something special that you can't put your finger on but gives you warm fuzzies...But god. We can barely afford things just ourselves. We're both depressed. We are trying to work on it but it's gonna be a lifelong battle. I do everything in this house while my husband works all day and I would have to raise the child myself, while I'm already overwhelmed with housework, 2 jobs and a side business. We both had no positive parenting role models, just abuse and alcoholism. Probably one of the main reasons we didn't want children. Because we don't know how to raise them.All of my friends have babies now and I feel like maybe part of what I'm feeling is an opportunistic FOMO moment. But I really don't know. I feel like I'd get relief from terminating but at the same time I would always wonder what if and be sad about the nonexistence of our child who could have existed.I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone been in a similar position and did you decide to continue with the pregnancy? Did you regret the decision to have children or was it the right choice? I need any help I can get from people who have gone through this decision, thank you ❤️ via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2RMm1CS

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