My son has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. He has a sweet face and a perfect strip of little freckles across his nose, long black eyelashes and very pale skin. He’s so beautiful to me, that I’ve looked at him and couldn’t believe I made him. He’s smart and gentle. I just wonder what he’s thinking about. I can only wonder, because he wont tell me. He doesn’t tell me anything about himself or what’s going on at school. My son is 7 years old, and has never been angry or showed signs of anger. He never tells me when he is hungry and he is emotional at really inappropriate times. Especially, meal time. This morning, I cut up an orange to go with his breakfast and when I gave him his plate plate, he cried. My son does not eat oranges (he told me he eats them at school, but I now know that was a lie) actually he doesn’t eat any fruit. He will not eat a single fruit of vegetable. I’ve tried everything, but he only wants bread and processed food. The lying about eating fruit is just one thing, but he lies everyday about anything. When confronted he always says the same thing “I forgot.” His little voice sounds like a robot unless he’s being silly, and he gets silly pretty often especially at the wrong times. He hates music, it’s puts him in the worst mood to hear me sing or when I put music on in the car. We almost had a break through when he heard some old 50’s music last year, but when I played the songs again he said he didn’t like it. He prides himself on being the best, and is offended (he cries or hides under a blanket) when someone does better than him or wins. He wets (it started randomly when I had my daughters a few months ago, doctor said it’s probably an attention thing, but I spend a lot of time with him, as much as he will possibly let me) the bed still almost every night except when he stays somewhere else or has a friend stay the night. He is an amazing artist and art is one of the few things we share interest in. If he draws something, and asks me to do it, and he thinks mine is better, he will ruin the one he did. He also ruins pictures he’s drawn for me for special occasions when I get on to him. His eye for detail is amazing, and I like to keep my Mother’s Day cards or special things he’s made me, but his low self esteem drives him to destroy things he feels are imperfect. He is very self conscious and he insists on hiding his arms and wearing shirts in the pool. He hides his body at all cost and loves jackets even though his weight and height is ideal in his age and he looks fine. Tonight I rocked him and sang him Elton John’s ‘Your Song’, and I’ve sang him that since he was a baby and I talked to him about emotions. I told him that emotions are normal and I tried to encourage him to express his emotions in whatever way he felt comfortable. I talked about using colors to express moods, and talked about being angry and how that is normal and I ended our conversation with a game. I asked him to tell me how he feels inside, in a full sentence and to be honest. I asked him if he could do this if I did it first and he replied yes. I told my son that I wanted him to communicate with me, and tell me how he feels and that he is so important to me, and that I just want to know what he is thinking. When it was his turn, he looked at me with a serious look and he said “The cactus is green”. I don’t think I will ever know what is on his mind, and I feel like I’ve failed him. I feel like I’ve messed him up. I don’t know what to do, and I’m stuck in depression. I’ve got twin baby girls to raise I don’t want three children who feel like they can’t open up to me, and have a relationship with me. They are all I have and I feel so alone right now. If you read all this, I can’t believe you are still here. I need to know what I’m doing wrong, I am calling pediatrician tomorrow but I feel stupid like what if he’s just a normal little boy and I’m just annoying him, or what if something is wrong with him and it’s my fault? I do have bipolar disorder and we had a rough life until he was 2. His biological father is not in the picture because after I left him he went to prison, but my husband now is the sweetest man and really saved us. He works a lot and when he’s home he likes to rest but on the weekend we always do family things.Tl;dr My son lacks communication skills, I’m depressed about it. I long for a great relationship with my son but I’m not sure if there is hope anymore. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/326tSjJ
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