Tuesday, 25 June 2019

My daughter is turning into one of those "I'm totally not a typical girl" girls and I don't know how to fix it.

She's 8. She's into superheroes and Pokemon and Naruto and all sorts of stereotypically boy-targeted things and that's totally fine and she knows it's totally fine and she knows that we're totally fine with it (I like some of that stuff too).But the last few months it's been escalating to "I hate girly stuff" and "pink things disgust me" and "I hate makeup" (which - kid, you're eight - you have never worn makeup and nobody is even suggesting that you wear makeup). We've been having ongoing talks about how it's fine to like what you like but it's not fine to be so dismissive of what other people like, but it's been having essentially zero effect (although she loves her iridescent mermaid bathing suit to pieces, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )I feel like I've run into the limits of parental influence but this sort of crap really bothers me - I'm not a girly-girl either but I also don't want my daughter to grow up with this internalized misogyny bullshit (yes yes, I know, this is apparently a loaded term, blah blah blah, but what else would you call it??)Anyone else dealing with this? Any suggestions? via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2NmI4Bs

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