Monday, 24 June 2019

How to help my nearly 7 year old understand chores and organization.

Hi! I’m on mobile.My oldest is turning 7 in just a few months. She’s a very creative soul. She loves colouring, painting, cutting up paper and gluing and taping it to create things.I absolutely love this and think it’s a wonderful thing, so much so that I have a whole craft/colouring cupboard dedicated to it for her to use. She asks to color on a daily basis. Now here’s the problem.This cupboard is a disaster all the time. I’ve made it very simple for her to put things where they belong. There is a bin for lose paper and things she’s created, a bin for crayons, a bin for markers, a box for scissors, glue and miscellaneous items to go in. It’s super simple. She doesn’t even try to keep it clean.She simply shoved everything on the bottom shelf which I have cleared numerous times. I have had to take a bunch of extra craft stuff out and I have been condensing it more and more to limit the disaster. I personally think she is old enough to be able to put things back where they belong.I have cleaned it with her to show her how, so has her father and so has her uncle. I tried enforcing consequences such as getting rid of crafts that she can’t take proper care of (with ample warning), cutting off access to the cupboard for short periods of time, asking nicely and reminding.She simply ignores me the next time and just throws it all back in. She’s normally a very sweet, rule abiding kid. Any ideas on how I can help enforce chore rules? Am I asking too much for her age? via /r/Parenting

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