Sunday, 2 June 2019

Can I ask you all a poop question?

Hey everyone,First: I’m gonna give the dr a call on Monday morning. The reason I’m asking here is because I just wanted to gauge the experience of of other parents and see if what I’m seeing is probably normal.So, on to the poop question.The past few days, my 20 month old son has had massive white mushy/liquid poops. He’s been drinking a lot of milk lately so I thought maybe the increase in liquid might be to account for the color and consistency. But then I googled and it seems like soft white poop could indicate a real health problem. So I want to lay out what I’m experiencing and see what you all have experienced.-he’s been drinking more milk lately (I think eating might hurt a bit because he’s teething)-he’s teething (he has like 4 coming in at once)-he’s been eating a lot of other white foods lately- yogurt, waffles, pale snacks-he has no other symptoms indicating anything is off- no fever, pretty standard appetite, not vomiting, no fever-he hasn’t had a blow out since breast feeding days and he’s had three. Like I’ve needed to hose him and his clothes off. The poop goes up the front and back.-poop is white, very soft/liquidy, and there seems more than the standard poop amount-he has no allergies.So what do y’all think? Anyone’s toddler experience this kind of poop?UPDATE: dr checked him out and determined it’s just a virus. I brought a poop diaper with me to show her. She said because he has no other symptoms and no other outside factors (no vitamins, new foods, new meds etc) his body is just fighting it off enough to not cause fever/vomiting, but to cause the pale stools. But she did say to come back in a couple weeks if he doesn’t get better or sooner if he gets worse. Hopefully no one else in the house catches it and he recovers quickly. Thanks again everyone for the guidance on going to the doctor! via /r/Parenting

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