My(27 F) 15 month old son is a daddy’s boy and it is breaking my heart. If his dad is around he wants nothing to do with me. He will scream bloody murder if I do much as try to hold him or comfort him (he probably thinks I am taking him from daddy).Last night he had a rough night and was up every hour screaming and crying. At one point my husband got up and I could tell he was frustrated and tired. He grabbed the bottle and tried to force the baby to take it and practically yelled at him to stop so he would sleep. He was being very rough with a baby. I could hear my little man struggling and sucking in breaths. About a few minutes later the crying started again and it just sounded painful. I jumped up to check on him, turned on the lights, and see he is grabbing at his legs and lo and behold he has a pretty nasty rash. So I pick him up try soothing him and put cream on his legs. He calms down for a moment. I pick him up after and he just started screaming and crying. I take him out of the bedroom and try to rock him but he is inconsolable, then daddy comes takes him from me and poof he stops crying.My sleep deprived soul was just heartbroken. I actually took the time to see what was wrong, fix it, and calm him and he just wants daddy.Ugh I know it is a phase and he doesn’t know better, but my heart hurts.Anyway, thank you for letting me vent.TL;DR 15 month old prefers daddy over me and it breaks my heart. via /r/Parenting
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