This happened at Halloween.My daughters school said that she was able to wear her Halloween costume to school. Before this the school sent home a letter, asking parents to prohibit costumes that were "insensitive". (No indians).My daughter chose to be a knight. I made costumes for myself in my 20s, so we looked online and made a costume. It was made to resemble the costume a character from an anime wore(saber, from fate stay night). The difference was she wanted the costume to be white with red instead of blue.It turned out to look just like the source material, except it was a white dress with red accents. The armor pieces were still silver, and it had a large red cross on the breastplate. My daughter and I Spent a month making the entire costume from scratch. The armor and props were made from foam, and the dress we measured and sewed ourselves.In the end we were especially proud of the work. We even made a sword and shield.(the shield is a functional backpack).When she got home from school on Halloween, she was in tears. My daughter got into trouble in class. Her teach sent her to the principles office, and told her that she had to wear a Tshirt to cover her costume because it was "offensive" to were a crusader costume. He said her costume was just as offensive as coming to school dressed as a Nazi. He also called her a lier in front of the whole class and refused to believe her costume was homemade.He also sent home a letter. It basically said that my daughter wore a grossly inappropriate costume to school. The letter said that the school strived to be all inclusive and prohibited costumes that were insensitive to other races and cultures.The next day, in went to the school and met with him. He basically said the same things to me that were in his letter. I tried to explain to him that her wearing a knight costume,(a fantasy knight btw) that bore zero historical accuracy couldn't be offensive. His only response was that it wasnt for me to say whether it was offensive or not. If he found it to be offensive others could have also.I also told him that we did in fact make every part of her costume ourselves, and that I didnt appreciate him calling my daughter a lier in front of her class. He didnt seem to believe me, so I showed him pictures of the design and build processes. I also let him know that I had been building costumes like this for years. When I was younger i designed and modeled video game, movie, and anime costumes at conventions for a living. He asked if i had a website, and it was wierd.In the end, he asked that I be careful in the future, and i sarcastically said that i would. The whole thing didnt sit well with me. As time goes on, more and more i feel like i didnt say or do enough. Also when i told him about my modeling and costume design background, it got borderline creepy.TL;DR My Daughter got into trouble for a costume she wore to school for Halloween. And I feel more and more like I didn't defend her enough. via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2s7dFK2
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