Thursday, 3 January 2019

My daughter has just had her cochlear implant turned on and the look in her eyes was absolutely beautiful

My 5 year old daughter is deaf and she’s gone through a difficult time as she’s been growing up, what with all the hospital appointments and all the tests, it’s been really tough. She has a twin brother, who is absolutely brilliant at communicating with her and letting the other children at school know what she wants, etc.We have just been to the appointment where she has had the implant initially turned on. To begin with she covered her ears, because she was scared at what she might hear. As the lady was fiddling with the settings from her end, she was holding onto my hand so tightly. The lady nodded at me, so I said “Baby, I love you” and I don’t know how clearly she heard what I was saying, or if she even knew what I said,but she clambered into my lap and started crying. But the look in her eyes, was like she’d just had the world handed to her on a platter.I know it’s going to be a tough road from here, with more appointments to have the implant set at the right frequency and speech therapy classes and all kinds of things, but she makes me so proud each and every day. My son said “Mummy, I’m going to show my sister all the good sounds when I can and I’m going to make her laugh and learn new things with her”.I’m far too proud of them today. via /r/Parenting

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