Thursday, 3 January 2019

My 2 and a half year old trying to understand rhyming.

So this happened about a month and a half ago. I was trying to teach him about rhyming and I kept asking him if he could tell how words like cake and snake sounded almost the same. He was kind of getting the idea of it but mostly stuck to the examples I gave him and not coming up with his own.Then a few weeks later his grandpas girlfriend got new puppy labs for her young kids. One of them is a golden retriever lab mix and the other is a black lab. Well one day they are all at grandpas playing and causing havoc when he stops and tells my wife "sunny and indy are almost the same. That means they rhyme!"I know that I'm pushing what his little head can handle a little bit but it made me so proud that even though he didnt completely get it right the idea was there and my efforts were not a complete waste. via /r/Parenting

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