This is really just me ranting so bear with me.Background: I have a 3.5 year old who is my absolute world. His father and I separated before he was born and have always been great at co-parenting. When my son was about to turn one, I started dating a guy I had dated many years before. We became serious and a few months ago got engaged. My fiancé and my child’s father get along and we’ve never had any issues with that. My son’s father is only able to see him some weekends due to his work. Therefore that makes him the “fun dad” because any time he has our son, he’s taking him to do things like the zoo, Chuck E. Cheese, etc.The last couple of times I’ve gotten on to my son for bad behavior, he starts to cry and says “I want to go to my daddy’s!” Of course this is absolutely heartbreaking to me. He only ever does it when he’s getting in trouble and he quickly changes his mind within a matter of minutes. I just can’t believe this type of thing is already starting at 3 years old. It makes me nervous for the future and all the things we will go through with co-parenting. Don’t get me wrong, his father is a good dad for the most part. But he would never be able to care for him 24/7 and provide for him like my fiancé and I do. He’s basically a man child who has never shown any signs of growing up and relies on his grandparents for everything including caring for our son. I know lots of parents go through this, but man does it sting! via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2AuhtcX
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