Monday, 26 November 2018

UPDATE: 19 and 18 year old want to drink (legally) on vacation

Just a quick follow-up to this post from a couple weeks ago: was a success! I was a little unsure about the message we'd be sending by letting our under-21 duo drink, but the feedback from this sub put us at ease, and it turned out to be the right decision.Both kids were as mature and responsible as we could have hoped for. We gave them a long leash from the start and neither one ever pushed the issue. Our college student drinks with her friends at school, but our high schooler's "self-reported" past experience with alcohol was limited to a couple college overnight visits, so this was a particularly helpful experience for him. I have to admit it took a little adjustment to seeing them "buzzed" but we had a lot of fun!In light of how well they passed this test, my wife and I are talking about relaxing our 21-means-21 rule at home. We'll probably let the kids have a glass of wine with dinner, a beer during a football game, etc., but we're going to make sure they understand that rule doesn't extend to any friends they invite over, or any situation where they might drive that night. via /r/Parenting

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