My step son (4) has been seeing a speech therapist for over a year now. He seems to get excited to go to his appointments, and we try to encourage that, but when he gets there it’s a different story. No matter if his bio mom takes him or if my husband does, he’ll get there and just refuse to participate. Now, he has had some good days, and after a year we have actually started seeing some progress. Minimal, but it’s there.The way that he treats this lady though is just appalling, and embarrassing. His mom has asked me for advice about how to handle it and I’m pretty much like, “I dunno man we’ve been at a loss about it as well.” The last time my husband took him he sent me a video from the observation room of SS4 legit screaming in this woman’s face. Not yelling, blood curdling screams. She remained as calm as one can but looked like she was about to cry.He does other things like throwing the toys she tries to use to engage him, saying “NO!” when she makes the most simple request. It just seems like he hates this woman. My husband asked her if this is something she deals with sometimes (meaning do other kids act this way towards her) and she gave him a regretful sounding, “Uhm, not really.”We are all satisfied with the way the therapist handles things. I mean she makes a real effort, she remains calm and nice. She tries to engage him, and on the rare good day she can make some progress with him. The most she’s even said about the behavior was asking for a week off after the worst appointment, which none of us blamed her for honestly.We have tried talking to him about it (ineffective), taking away toys or privileges afterwards, and offering incentives for being nice to her and paying attention. We have tried changing his appointment to different times during the day. None of us really think the right move is finding a new therapist, because like... heck no, he just can’t be treating people this way and she’s a good therapist.SS4 is diagnosed with ODD/ADHD so we have dealt with behavior like this a ton at home. In the last few months we have made a lot of progress at home actually. This crap with the speech therapist is just getting worse and worse and there seems to be no reason for it, he has never treated anyone besides the people he lives with this way.Edit: should also add that both of his parents have tried going into the room with him for therapy, and waiting in the observation room. It’s worse when they go in with him and none of our usual tactics work during therapy. via /r/Parenting
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