Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Persistent nighttime cough is driving us nuts - anyone have any tips?

My 4YO is going through the never-ending series of colds and bugs that happens with winter - especially since she started pre-school.The worst is the nighttime cough - especially since we still let her come to our room to co-sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night. We've tried the honey, the humidifier, gargling with oregano oil water (we put one drop in water - which she hates and I don't blame her cause that stuff tastes nasty), various honey lozenges, and whatever home remedy we've read about.Only thing we haven't used is actual cough syrup - due to many recommendations against it and the spotty proof of its effectiveness even among adults.Anyone with any tricks they've learned to deal with it?Edit: I’ve taken my kid to the doctor - she didn’t think it was asthma and was a normal part of being sick. She had a cold earlier this week and is just getting over it. She was also the one who suggested these remedies over over the counter cough syrup.Just looking for some suggestions so we can all get a good nights sleep while she recovers. via /r/Parenting

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