Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Advice Needed on 1 YO Daughters Diet

I know this is common issue and I’ve read tons of stuff on this subject over the last few months but I need some advice/personal experiences with this. My daughter is almost 14 months old and still almost exclusively on formula. She was a premie so I wasn’t going to try and stress too much until her “due date” marker of one year. However that day has come since it is on Saturday. Her pediatrician has told us to start transitioning to a toddler formula so I’ve been slowly doing that (currently 1 scoop toddler, 2 scoops infant per 6oz). She does fine with purée fruit/veggies and has 8-10oz of purée a day and about 24-30oz of formula a day. Anything with more texture than purée makes her gag/vomit. She won’t eat any meat purée either. I buy jarred organic store bought fruit/veggies or make it myself but I won’t buy the jarred meat because something about meat sitting on shelves for months grosses me out so I make the meat puree at home with organic meats. The meats make her gag/vomit even when I do it with veggies. We’re getting a ton of push back from her daycare about this. We have to provide a doctors note every single month for both purée and formula despite the fact I provide these items now that she’s over 1 year old.She is still under 20lbs and only gained 2oz in the last month. What can I do to get this baby to eat? I’ve been looking into this whole toddler formula thing and it’s got the added calcium which is great, but it also has added corn syrup solids. Toddler formula is not heavily regulated by the FDA like infant formula is either. I’m just not sure where to go from this point. Her pediatrician doesn’t seem to really know much about toddler formula despite her recommending it. Where should I go from here? Other things I should look into? via /r/Parenting

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