Monday, 26 November 2018

Custody schedule question (non-legal)

My soon to be ex husband and I are spilling amicably and both want a 50/50 schedule for our two year old son. I was curious if others had an insight into when schedule styles might work best for two parents who live close together. We don’t want to do a week on a week off because a week away from him, for either of us, is just too much. We are currently looking at the 3-4-4-3 style where I have him 3 days, dad has him 4 days, then I get him 4 days, dad has him 3 days. There are other options like switch every 2 days but anything more then the 3443 seems like too much switching and anything less is just too much time away from him. How does the custody schedule effect kids as they grow? Right now he’s in daycare but what happens once he starts school? Is there anything you wish you knew before locking your self into a custody schedule? Is switch to much hard for them? Is it easier for them to spend a week with one and a week with the other? I feel like I’m being selfish in not want to be away from him for a full week. via /r/Parenting

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